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Other Estate Documents

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Other Estate Documents

Estate planning is more than just a Will. Our lawyers are always ready to discuss these important documents.

Other Estate Documents

Powers of Attorney & Advance Health Directive

Ensure you're protected during your life, not just after. Life is unpredictable... that's why you should give thought to whom you trust to make decisions for you if you can no longer make them for yourself.

An Enduring Power of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) allows you to appoint someone to make personal/health and/or financial decisions on your behalf.

You can also nominate when you want the attorney to commence acting. For example, you can have it come into effect immediately or at a specific point in time (such as when you lose capacity).

There are specific requirements that both yourself and your attorney must meet, which is why you should have these documents prepared by one of our experienced lawyers.

With RHC Solicitors, you can have confidence that your document is drafted right the first time.

An Advance Health Directive (AHD)

An Advance Health Directive (AHD) is sometimes called a living Will. It is a formal way to give instructions about your future health care, and comes into effect only if your cognitive health deteriorates and you become unable to make your own decisions.

An AHD usually outlines the medical treatment you want when you don't have capacity, and it enables you to appoint someone to be your attorney (should you wish to appoint one).

It also includes information that your health professional should be aware of, including health conditions, allergies, cultural and other information.

You will also be able to give specific instructions of what is to happen if you have a terminal illness or severe brain damage or other injury or illness. This can include not to be resuscitated, or what life-sustaining measures you would be comfortable with.

You can have confidence that your document is drafted right the first time.

Plan Your Future Today

Contact us to book your free consultation today for peace of mind tomorrow.

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