Other Traffic Related Offence Representation
We have a team of traffic lawyers who deal with traffic related offences and court representation every single day.
There are many types of traffic related charges, penalties, fines, disqualifications, demerit points and imprisonment terms a person can face.
Some example traffic related matters our team can handle include:
Fake licences
Driving without a licence
Commission of a traffic offence
Failure to remain at a road accidence
False or misleading information
Speeding disqualifications
Vehicle impoundment
Vehicle forfeiture
Using a mobile phone whilst driving
Uninsured vehicles
Common law or compensation claims because of negligence driving
High speed licence applications
Restricted licence application
Drinking driving or DUI charges
Dangerous driving
Careless driving
Infringement notices
Unlicenced driving
Exceeding the speed limit
How RHC Solicitors Help
We have experienced traffic lawyers across Queensland. We deal with the police and attend the Magistrates Court and District Court every day and have handled thousands of driving offence matters.
We're affordable lawyers and often offer fixed fee quotes so that you know exactly what is ahead.